Connections and Event Flow

In The Domain, the various components work together through a series of connections and event flows. The core components involved are:


These components communicate through events, callbacks, and direct method invocations. Understanding their connections and the flow of data is crucial for comprehending the overall architecture and functionality of Rakis.

Peer-to-Peer Packet Flow

The PacketDB is responsible for handling incoming and outgoing peer-to-peer packets. It receives packets from the configured P2P networks and emits events for different packet types. These events are consumed by other components, such as the InferenceDB.

Here's how the packet flow works:

Step 1

For each enabled P2P network instance, TheDomain sets up a listener for incoming packets using the listenForPacket method provided by the P2P network instance.

for (const p2pNetwork of this.p2pNetworkInstances) {
  const listener = p2pNetwork.listenForPacket(async (packet) => {
  // Add listener to shutdown listeners
  this.shutdownListeners.push(() => listener());

Step 2

When the PacketDB receives a packet, it performs various operations, such as verifying the packet signature, deduplicating packets, and emitting events based on the packet type.

packetDB.on("newP2PInferenceRequest", (packet) => {
  // Process the packet
packetDB.on("newInferenceCommit", (packet) => {
  // Process the packet
// ... and more event handlers for different packet types

Step 3

The InferenceDB listens for these events and processes the packets accordingly. For example, it may store new inference requests or process inference commits.

inferenceDB.on("newInferenceRequest", (request) => {
  // Save the inference request
inferenceDB.on("newInferenceCommit", (packet) => {
  // Process the inference commit

Inference and Consensus Flow

The InferenceDB manages the lifecycle of inference requests, including the consensus process. It emits various events that are consumed by other components, such as the EmbeddingEngine and the LLMEngine.

Here's a simplified flow of events related to inference and consensus:

Step 1

When a new inference request is received, the InferenceDB emits the newActiveInferenceRequest event, which triggers the processing of the inference request queue in TheDomain.

inferenceDB.on("newActiveInferenceRequest", (request) => {
  setTimeout(() => this.processInferenceRequestQueue(), 0);

Step 2

The LLMEngine listens for the workerFree event, which is emitted when an LLM worker becomes available. This triggers the processing of the inference request queue.

llmEngine.on("workerFree", () => {
  setTimeout(() => this.processInferenceRequestQueue(), 0);

Step 3

When an inference result is obtained, the InferenceDB emits the inferenceResultAwaitingEmbedding event, which triggers the embedding process in TheDomain.

inferenceDB.on("inferenceResultAwaitingEmbedding", (request, result) => {
    model: request.payload.securityFrame.embeddingModel,
    expiresAt: request.endingAt,
    request: {
      type: "resultEmbedding",
    queued: false,
  setTimeout(() => this.processEmbeddingQueue(), 0);

Step 4

The EmbeddingEngine listens for the workerFree event, which is emitted when an embedding worker becomes available. This triggers the processing of the embedding queue.

embeddingEngine.on("workerFree", () => {
  setTimeout(() => this.processEmbeddingQueue(), 0);

Step 5

After the embeddings are computed, the InferenceDB emits the newInferenceEmbedding event, which triggers the propagation of the inference commit packet to the P2P networks.

inferenceDB.on("newInferenceEmbedding", (embedding) => {
  // Propagate the inference commit packet

Step 6

The InferenceDB also listens for events related to the consensus process, such as requestQuorumReveal and consensusPackets, and handles the corresponding actions.

inferenceDB.quorumDb.on("requestReveal", (quorums) => {
  // Emit reveal requests
inferenceDB.quorumDb.on("consensusPackets", (packets) => {
  // Propagate consensus packets

This event-driven architecture allows for loose coupling between components and facilitates the flow of data and events throughout the system.

Mermaid Diagram

Here's a mermaid diagram illustrating the connections and event flow between the core components of The Domain:

In this diagram, TheDomain acts as the central component, managing the connections and event flows between the other components. The PacketDB handles the incoming and outgoing packets from the P2P networks and communicates with the InferenceDB. The InferenceDB emits various events related to inference requests, embeddings, and consensus, which are consumed by TheDomain, EmbeddingEngine, and LLMEngine. The EmbeddingEngine and LLMEngine emit worker-related events, which are consumed by TheDomain for managing the inference and embedding queues.